
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

“To have a dream, all it takes is a thought.”

The inspiration to do something for the underprivileged began when a group of friends came together during a Dhol Tasha Pathak event. The adrenaline, the atmosphere, the synchronisation and the management led us to think every underprivileged deserves a place where they can learn, thrive and communicate, where every child is welcomed and known for their talent and not for their background, where they don’t have to shy away from the world but take the world one challenge at a time.

Thereon, Shivvardhan Knowledge Foundation was established in 2011.It was formed under section 8 of The Companies Act 2013 to carry out philanthropic work in the sector of knowledge and foundation. A decade of experience interacting with students, teachers and parents has taught and made us believe that ‘Everyone Deserves To Know’. We have developed an innovative module which helps students from unsound financial backgrounds have the right exposure, build confidence, inculcate values & life skills and develop the right thought process.

“Shivvardhan seek to eradicate the inferiority complex by building confidence in you.”

Our Values

What makes us different

Trust & Transparency

Integrity & Reliability

Social Justice


More then 345 000+
People Were Helped

become a volunteer

Become the One Who is Considered a Hero

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Meet Our Volunteer Team

Ketan Kank


Pavan Bhattad


Pallavi Soman


Bahati Imani


Sabra Kalifa


Josh Broiler


Our Philosophy

Everyone Deserves To Know

SKF is working in the field of knowledge and education. This work is primarily undertaken for less privileged students. We believe that everyone in this world has the ‘right to gain knowledge’. In addition to that, SKF believes in maintaining transparency and accountability with all the stakeholders associated with it. The tagline ‘Everyone Deserves To KNOW’ fits appropriately in both scenarios.

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What People Think

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