
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


With the advent of the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic it has become increasingly necessary to become aware on the mental health issues. A positive mindset is biggest challenge faced by the society today. As a person grows, it becomes difficult for him to change his life perspectives. These life perspectives are build by him based on the experiences he has gained in life so far. Shivvardhan Knowledge Foundation believes that if better life skills are imbibed at the right age of person’s life journey, then it becomes easier for him to build better future for himself. This ‘appropriate time’ in the person’s life starts right from the age of his school till the time he attains adolescence.

To ensure this, Shivvardhan Knowledge Foundation is creating an emotional and intellectual
awareness among the students of various age groups so that they are mentally well equipped to address their life challenges. Our organization believes that talent persists in every stratum of the society. However, identifying that talent and nurturing its needs specific and dedicated efforts. Shivvradhan Knowledge Foundation has devoted itself to take up the challenge of reaching out to the students belonging to the economically weaker section of the society and train them for better life skills.

This work is undertaken by our organization through ‘Project Life Skills’. ‘Project Life Skills’ commenced on 12th December 2020 and has been undertaken consistently since then. This project seeks to address the emotional and intellectual challenges faced by students who are come from economically weak background and prepare them for a better future. The project is undertaken by associating with the school which grant admissions to these poor students.

Our Philosophy

Everyone Deserves To Know

SKF is working in the field of knowledge and education. This work is primarily undertaken for less privileged students. We believe that everyone in this world has the ‘right to gain knowledge’. In addition to that, SKF believes in maintaining transparency and accountability with all the stakeholders associated with it. The tagline ‘Everyone Deserves To KNOW’ fits appropriately in both scenarios.